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The Power of Three

Writer's picture: Sue Harbottle-SearSue Harbottle-Sear

in the

digital world…

What is the Power of Three?

Well, the Urban Dictionary tells us this…

“Power of Three - The combined powers of three entities, upon such combination not only increase their power by three, but much greater.”

So, when THREE major elements come together - you are on a winner!

Element 1: WEBSITE

What makes a good website?

Not having a website for your business is no longer a choice you can make.

Without one - your business struggles to be found by future customers, who search for goods or services you provide online.

71% of adults in the UK find information about goods and services via the internet

Creating a website that appeals and engages your target customers really is a worthwhile investment into the future of your business.

A good website

  • adds value to your intended audience

  • captures the imagination/answers needs/aspirations of your intended clients

  • Get these right -

  • overall theme/style

  • colours

  • good quality images/graphics

  • easy to read and appropriate fonts

  • interesting content

  • easy navigation

Helpful thought:

Your website is not about what you like or dislike – but what your intended customers like!

It is often better to deploy an external company to create your site, as they don’t just have the experience of what works best for your target audience, but can also bring some additional design skills, which you may not have. A DIY approach is generally not recommended.

Better no website than a bad one!

For one, it’ll save you the hosting cost for something, which is not doing anything for your business!

They will also know how to add Google Analytics to your website (it’s FREE) so you can see what works and what does not work on your site, so it can be changed if necessary. Furthermore, it will also tell you WHERE your traffic has come from – so you will know whether your investment in SEO and Social Media Marketing is giving you a return.

But how can it be found in a world of 1.3 billion websites?


However much or little SEO is done on your website – it is essential for it to be found by the major search engines. It also ensures that the short description of your business displayed reflects instantly what your business is about to capture the eye of your future customer.

A further good reason for not recommending a DIY approach to your website…

Figures from January 2018 for the UK tells us that 84.91% of searches are carried out via Google, 11.23% via Bing, 2.64% via Yahoo! (Statista)

Google is notorious for changing the criteria, which ranks sites, however an SEO specialist will be aware of how to ensure your site stays as high up in page rankings as possible.

Minimal SEO can often be done by the company which is creating your website for you, however for a more sophisticated approach you should really have a chat with an SEO specialist, unless your website specialist is also an SEO wizard, too!

How does Social Media make a difference?


Small businesses still struggle with the idea of having to engage with Social Media to grow their website traffic and engage potential customers.

Finding time and the right content as well as post at the right frequency is often a real struggle.

Social Media is a strategy to deploy over time and rarely brings instant results. After all – you need to build your specific audience, by providing entertaining and interesting posts to engage them with you.

Running your own business is tough enough without having to worry about keeping up with the latest trends and happenings on social media. And of course, there is the time needed to actually find and write the words for your posts – create interesting and relevant copy plus finding copyright-free images to raise interest in your posts…

However, if you work with a Social Media specialist, who gets to know you and your business, these challenges evaporate.

Just see the difference Social Media Management has made to this company!

Google Analytics is embedded in their website and clearly shows how ‘being social’ has added considerably to their website visitors. In the sample period of 2017 only 9.8% of their visitors came via social media – whilst in the same period in 2018 43.9% of all (and an overall increased) number of website visitors…


Organic Search: This traffic is defined as visitors coming from a search engine, such as Google or Bing

Social: Someone who clicked through a link on a social media account, such as Twitter and Facebook

Direct: Someone who types in the URL (website address) directly into a browser

Referral: Referral traffic reports visits that came to the site from sources outside of the Google search engine. When someone clicks on a hyperlink to go to a new page on a different website, the click is tracked as a referral visit to the second site.

The Power of Three

in a digital world…

The Power of Three - The combined powers of three entities


is a combination that not only increases their power by three, but much greater…



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